Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online is a Japanese fantasy-game anime that was directed by Tomohiko Ito. This anime was originally recommended to me by various friends so I decided to watch it. At first it was incredible to even see the first episode, where it all takes place in a virtually-simulated world (VR) and I thought it was worth waiting for each episode. Of course, I'm not the only one who would say that this anime is excellent because it has combinations of romance, action, adventure, and technology that we cannot experience until 2020. In my opinion, what attracted me and most other fans is the general idea of how you can die in this anime and how it had such high ratings.
The main characters of this anime is Kirito and Asuna, they both experience fighting together on their first dungeon quest and start to find their paths. As Kirito explores further and further as a "Solo" player, he encounters Asuna again but higher level than expected after giving the advice of joining a guild. He later falls in love with Asuna after clearing many dungeons and experienced her cooking, but when the game had almost been cleared, he had to face the impossible, the game creator. Kirito barely managed to kill the game creator but he saved everyone except those that died in the game but then another plot twist occurs when Asuna gets pulled into Alfheim and Kirito plays a new adventure where things were almost boundless to try to save his love, Asuna.
Overall I would recommend this anime because it had heart-racing moments from the adventurous battles and it was very romantic to see someone who was lonely be together with someone else.
Although it was good in general, the conclusion for the anime wasn't very well done because it just ended off with the main character creating another world with his friends.
Very very like Sword Art Online ,I like the cotumes of them ,so I try to dress in with Sword Art Online cosplay costumes,so interesting.