Guilty Crown
Guilty Crown is a science-fiction and romantic anime that was directed by Tetsuro Araki. This anime is very well known for it's wonderful soundtracks and music which attracts more than just me to it because you can feel the depth of the lyrics and effort that the singer has put into it.
This anime mainly revolves around the government and Funeral parlor (an undertaker group) where they study genomes where they allow one to obtain supernatural powers and voids that can solidify anyone. One of the main characters is Shu Ouma, a male student who enjoys listening to Inori Yuzuriha's song and one day, he saw her running from the government force. So Shu tried to protect Inori and he gained the power to reach into people's hearts to take their inner "weapons/abilities." This magnificence lead to him joining the undertakers where he meets Gai Tsutsugami who saved him from a gang that wanted the secret chip that Inori stole from the lab. Later in the story, the plot twists when the undertakers and people from Shu's school are confined into the "infected zone" because Gai Tsutsugami switches sides and steals the power of Shu Ouma because he believed that it was his to begin with but Inori never left Shu because she is in love with Shu and saves him from danger. After this intense plot twist, Gai declares a fight between Shu because Shu had regain the powers from taking another genome shot (usually will cause death after first one) and wishes to save Inori from Mana's body.
I felt so heartbroken in the end because when I thought I saw the last episode where Shu can finally see Inori, she was almost going to die along with Shu. But, because Inori had special ability she saved Shu from dying! This lead to Shu becoming blind and disabled arm because I suppose Inori wanted him to be safe from these voids which were removed after sacrificing herself.
I would highly recommend this anime over any because it is definitely tragic to see someone face that many hardships for someone that he loves and how the plot twists in the middle where you see Gai helping then suddenly opposing Shu. Also, the music is spectacular because a portion of the budget went to the band Egoist and Supercell for their songs and it was definitely great if you could understand!
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