Shinsekai Yori
This anime is also known as From the New World because of how it relates humans who possessed god's power of telekinesis and monster cats who were enslaved by humans because of human's superiority (connections to god's power). The main characters are 5 people: Saki Watanabe, Satoru Asahina, Maria Akizuki, Shun Aonuma and Mamoru Itō. Each of them were paired up in group but decided to explore out of the region where they were suppose to and encountered the spiritual being that would answer all questions (known as the holographic library) even the banned knowledge. After that, they saw a monster rat who belonged in various colonies and that's when humans had a conflict with the monster rat colonies. This is when Saki met Squealer, one who can understand human language and translate between the rat's and human's language. When they finally consider themselves to be "friends/allies," the plot twists, Squealer had been thinking about taking over the human era because the humans had ruled them for too long with their telekinesis powers. Surprisingly, the monster rats won majority of the battles against humans, killing thousands of people because you weren't allowed to use the power of god to kill and so the rats killed them. Ultimately, Kiroumaru helped the humans to defeat Squealer costing his own life and the humans learned to respect every being as equal.
I really enjoyed this anime because I personally love it when the writers or directors of the story change the plot and twist it around so the odds are always different. This anime was confusing but it had times where you can definitely enjoy it because of the betrayals and plot development.
I would recommend this anime to anyone who enjoys a nice plot twist but must be able to understand the plot as the anime goes along, otherwise, you would definitely be confused before you can finish it.
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